PC SubSoil
PC Subsoil is software for the analysis of subsoil drainage in Western Australia and allows the user to calculate groundwater mounding under a range of conditions including: rainfall recharge, subsoil drain spacing, soil above subsoil drain invert hydraulic conductivity, and whether the soil below subsoil drain invert is permeable or impermeable.
The newly developed PC Subsoil Version 1 by JDA Consultant Hydrologists incorporates:
- Future Median Climate (FMC) rainfall scenario 2016 to 2045 consistent with Selection of Future Climate Projections for Western Australia by Department of Water (2015);
- Preāloaded projected FMC rainfall for 46 Bureau of Meteorology rainfall gauging stations in Perth Metro, South West and North of Perth Metro Regions;
- Rainfall recharge between 20% and 100% spatially uniform;
- Parallel subsoil drain spacing between 30m and 200m;
- Soil above subsoil drain invert hydraulic conductivity between 1 to 10 m/day;
- Soil beneath subsoil drain invert 1m Impermeable or permeable with hydraulic conductivity of 0m/day or 1m/day;
- Calculation of groundwater mounding at the centre point between parallel subsoil drains for annual exceedance probabilities (AEP) of 50%, 20% and 10% together with maximum and minimum mounds consistent with IPWEA Specification Separation Distances for Groundwater Controlled Urban Development (2016).
PC Subsoil assumes groundwater level does not fall below subsoil drain invert at any time of the year such as a perched groundwater situation.
PC Subsoil Version 1 is an Excel based program.
COST: $5,900 ex GST with User Manual.

PC Sump
PC Sump is the standard software for sizing of infiltration basins in Western Australia and is referenced by Main Roads Western Australia for road design packages.
The newly developed PC Sump Version 6.1 by JDA Consultant Hydrologists incorporates:
- The latest Australian Rainfall & Runoff 2016 storm rainfall intensity frequency duration (IFD) data and storm temporal patterns;
- Detailed land use runoff options;
- An optional swale infiltration module (3 swales);
- New algorithms for all 3 options of deep water table, shallow water table, and clogged layer.
PC Sump V6.1 is an Excel based program.
COST:$5,900 ex GST with User Manual.